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Outdoor Sound Bath Experience at Del Valle

Allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Cynthia Sutton. I am a natural born Empath, Intuitive, Psychic Medium and Divine Channel. I began practicing Divination and channeling Spirit messages more than 30 years ago. I am a certified:  Reiki Master and Practitioner, Sound Therapist, Theta Healing Practitioner and Akashic Records Reader. I have been lineage mentored for more than 20 years as:  an Intuitive Energy Healer, Shamanic Medicine Woman, Priestess of the Many Faces of the Feminine Divine,  and Ambassador of the Galactic Federation of Light.

My spiritual  gifts have been present ever since I was a child. I have always been able to see, hear and feel (physically and empathically) Spirit and other people's energies. I naturally gravitated towards crystals and tarot as a teenager. I began my journey into the healing arts at the age of 19, being taken in and mentored for more than a year by a gifted Reiki Master named Julia.


I have spent almost 30 years studying and practicing many varied forms of Spiritual and Energetic work including (but not limited to): Reiki, Somatic, Pranic Healing, Quantum healing, Shamanism, Galactic attunements, Akashic Records, Theta healing, Reflexology, Polarity therapy, Light, Frequency/Sound Therapy and Divination of many kinds. I believe that our journey of self-healing and growth is ongoing and I strive to continue to expand my knowledge and experience to support the community's needs and further my soul's calling. I weave all my extensive knowledge into my own unique personal style.


My mission is to help individuals remember who and what they really are.  To remind others that we are not human beings having a spiritual awakening, but Light Beings having a human experience. Our human minds and emotions may struggle to navigate this realm, but our soul has access to the unlimited love and wisdom of Source. My passion is to help guide people to break away from subconscious imprints and patterns that have them operating in survival mode and dwelling in self-defeating beliefs.  

By assisting others to acknowledge and release what is not supporting and nourishing their soul I help them to  embrace their Divine birthright and and stand in their sovereignty. Helping individuals to anchor their Light and embody their truth so that they may feel empowered to live their best life to the fullest! 

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