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Planet and Moon


What is a sacred contract?  

A sacred contract is an energetic or soul agreement made between people, places and things. This most commonly applies to our relationships in these areas. Including but not limited to: personal relationships, family, friends, substances, addictions, coping mechanisms, relationship with yourself, younger versions of self, and past life energies. Some agreements are made before you are manifest on the planet. These are usually tied to our soul purpose or the lessons and healing we agreed to complete in this lifetime. Others are made by choice, through conscious and unconscious thoughts, words and actions during our journey. All contracts are held within the Akashic Records.


Why would I want to alter a sacred contract? 

You may wish to alter or complete (end) a sacred contract if:  you have recently ended a relationship, you have recently left a job or living situation,  you wish to terminate a relationship with an addiction, pattern or substance, or you believe you may have past life energies interfering with your present incarnation (vows of poverty, light worker persecution, etc).

The simple answer is: Things change. We learn, grow, change and shift who we are in regular cycles. Some relationships that were a yes for us in the past are no longer healthy or in alignment with who we are now or who we are becoming. Sometimes those relationship simply need an adjustment while others may need to end completely. Only you can make that decision. 



In-person session: 1 hour - $100

This is a touch free session.

In this session, I will assist you to access and amend or call to completion one sacred contract. In a guided meditation and energy session, I will open and access the Akashic Records. In sacred ceremony, we will retrieve your contract and call in the necessary energies to alter or complete the soul agreement. Once finished, the contract will be returned to the Akashic Records to be implemented by Source and Higher Self. 

--It is recommended to follow up a sacred contract alteration with a dedicated energetic cord removal session within the following 2 weeks. You may also wish to clear your auric field or rebalance your chakra energies for full alignment and energy reclamation within a month of this session work.

*If you are dealing with multiple contracts, multiple sessions will be needed. Some sessions can be modified to accommodate a 2nd contract IF they are part of the same dynamic. Please contact me at 925-960-3371 for a  free 10 minute consultation to see if you will need more than one session. 

**Sacred contract alteration is not meant to INDUCE a relationship only adjust a contract that already exists. It cannot be used to make anyone fall in love, leave their current partner, or completely reverse a decision, etc.

***If you are uncertain or have questions if this session is for you please schedule a free consultation. 


In-person session: 90 minutes - $150

This is a touch free session.

This session is an hour long Sacred Contract Alteration followed by a 30 minute Aura Clearing.

In this session, I will assist you to access and amend or call to completion one sacred contract. In a guided meditation and energy session, I will open and access the Akashic Records. In sacred ceremony, we will retrieve your contract and call in the necessary energies to alter or complete the soul agreement. Once finished, the contract will be returned to the Akashic Records to be implemented by Source and Higher Self. 

--It is recommended to follow up a sacred contract alteration with a dedicated energetic cord removal session within the following 2 weeks. You may also wish to clear your auric field or rebalance your chakra energies for full alignment and energy reclamation within a month of this session work.

*If you are dealing with multiple contracts, multiple sessions will be needed. Some sessions can be modified to accommodate a 2nd contract IF they are part of the same dynamic. Please contact me at 925-960-3371 for a  free 10 minute consultation to see if you will need more than one session. 

**Sacred contract alteration is not meant to INDUCE a relationship only adjust a contract that already exists. It cannot be used to make anyone fall in love, leave their current partner, or completely reverse a decision, etc.

***If you are uncertain or have questions if this session is for you please schedule a free consultation. 

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