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A great deal of my sessions can be done in person or remotely (long distance)! Please check the session descriptions for "in-person" or "distance" availability.

Are distance sessions as effective as in person sessions?


Long distant healing sessions can be done anywhere in the world and are equally effective as when done in person. The idea of space and time are human constructs. Because our bodies exist in a 3D realm we have come up with ways to perceive our world and navigate its physicality. When you are working with Source, Spirit and energy you step outside of 3D world. Here is the thing: Energy doesn't care about distance. It simply doesn't operate that way. Distance healing and reading sessions are possible because Universal/Source energy is everywhere. It does not have a physical body. It does not need a car or plane to travel from me to you. Energy/Source transcends time and space. It simply exists everywhere. Because of this, I can perform remote sessions to anyone or anything anywhere! 

How do distance sessions work?

Think of a cell phone. It’s not necessary to be in physical proximity to a caller to talk on a cell phone, as cell phones use electromagnetic radio waves to connect with other cell phones. Similarly, you do not need to be in physical proximity to me to receive a healing or reading. I will use a higher dimensional channel to conduct the healing or reading. This will open an interdimensional space where our energies (and the energies of Source) will co-exist and connect for the agreed intention and session duration.

Distance Energy Healing Sessions

For a distance healing session you may wish to sit comfortably or lie down. Most clients choose to set aside private time for their remote session so that they can be present in their conscious energy and intent to receive. However,  it’s not necessary to take a timeout. You can be at work, at home, in the hospital, at a sporting event, etc. You may receive a remote energy healing no matter where you are or what you are doing.

Please do not schedule a distance session during a time when you may be partaking in mind altering substances (alcohol, illegal drugs, etc). These substances can temporarily lower your vibration and lessen the effect of the healing session.

I will send you a text to let you know your healing session is about to begin. At the scheduled appointment time I will proceed to conduct your session as if you were right in front of me.  I will open a channel to connect the energies and allow for sending and receiving to flow. Working in agreement with  your specific set intention, I will channel Universal/Source energy to you and all your bodies. Once completed I will clear the energy with light frequency and smudge. I will separate my energy from yours, release all connections, and close the channel. You will receive either a 10-15 minute phone call or an email (your choice) conveying any messages or observations I received during your session.

Distance Reading Sessions

Distance readings can be conducted via phone call, email, or Zoom. Only Tarot readings can be conducted via email.

Phone or Zoom: I will text you 5 minutes before we begin to make sure you are ready to receive your reading. At the scheduled time I will call you or connect with you via Zoom to conduct your reading. 

For an email exchange: You will need to submit any questions and themes you wish to look at within 24 hours after booking. After receiving your questions I will conduct your reading. When it is complete I will upload/send your reading to you in the method you have chosen.

You may have your reading delivered to you in the following ways: 

- Still photos and a typed reading sent via email

- Still photos sent via email and an audio recording shared with you  privately via Google Drive link.

*Video recorded readings are currently on hold while I upgrade my equipment.

If you have any questions regarding the distance readings process please contact me .

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