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Neon Lights


What is a Chakra? 

The word Chakra in Sanskrit means "wheel". There are seven main Chakras in the body starting at the base of your spine and going to the crown of your head. The Chakras are energy centers in your body that correspond to to bundles of nerves, major organs, and areas of our energetic body that affect our emotional and physical well-being.  


Why would a Chakra need "balancing"? 

The Chakras can expand and contract for many reasons such as (but not limited to):  to give or receive energy, they do not feel safe to be open, there is intensity or chaos around you, your body, mind or emotions are being pushed to a limit, a trauma trigger had occurred, you have had a major argument with a loved one, work stress, etc. The fluctuation of Chakra energy can manifest in many ways: physical exhaustion or pain, anxiousness, lack of joy, difficulty expressing yourself, and much more. By balancing out these energies we can release blocked energies and create harmony in these areas to nurture mental, physical and emotional well-being. 


In-person or Distance session:  1 hour - $100

This is a respectful touch session.  

We will start this session with a brief conversation to see what is happening for you at this time. Shifting into breathwork and dropping in with crystal singing bowls. I will ground and open your energetic fields. In this session I will focus on the seven major Chakras in your body. Working on each individual Chakra center as needed and also looking at the overall flow of energy within the body itself.  I will help to recalibrate and realign your energy centers by utilizing different tools and modalities such as: crystals, tuning forks, essential oils, sound healing, breath work, reiki and other energy healing forms, as well as some gentle touch techniques. I will assist you to release energy from or integrate energy into the body to bring you back into a state of natural alignment and flow. 


What is a cord? 

- Cords are energetic threads we allow to be woven between us and another (person /place /object /energy/entity) during relationships, traumas and emotional interactions or experiences. We usually have cords with family, friends, co-workers and places or objects that hold great significance to us. Cords help us to feel "connected" or closer. They can also form due to situations that greatly impact or imprint on us and affect us mentally or emotionally. The energies in cords flow both ways, both from us and to us. 


Why would you want to remove an energetic cord? 

-  When you have made a major shift in a relationships, including out relationship to our self, some cords may need to be tended to (healed) or removed. Allowing cord attachments to go unchecked can cause imbalance in your energetic system. Feeling drained, exhausted, pulled in a dozen directions at once or feeling overwhelmed, stressed, hyper anxious are just some of the ways unhealthy cords can affect your body.  

- If you have terminated a relationship or set new boundaries with someone/thing or for yourself, you may wish to have the cord with that person/other removed from your system. This will withdraw access to your energy by the other.  

- Removing unhealthy or unneeded cords helps to maintain health flow within your own system. It allows you to reclaim your energy and repurpose it for your greatest good. Cord removal can be an essential component for self empowerment and sovereignty. 


In-person Session: 1 hour - $100

This is a touch free session.

We will start this session with a brief conversation to see what cords you are looking to release  at this time and why. Shifting into breathwork and dropping in with crystal singing bowls. I will ground and open your energetic fields. In a *touch-free* session, I will focus on helping you to clear and restore your energy by scanning and "feeling" my way through your personal field. I will move through the sections and layers to identify and remove any cords that are unhealthy or that you are no longer in agreement with. (**Any cord that you are consciously saying yes to will not show up during these scans and will not be removed**). After removing all cords that you are willing to release, I will cleanse your auric field and infuse it with Universal Light energy channeled in a specific frequency for your individual needs in that moment. This will help you to feel restored, re-energized, calm, secure and Divinely support. 

This session is a touch-free session as I will be working in the energy field  that you are generating around you. It may include sound/frequency healing, essential oils, crystals, smudging and other healing methodologies. 


What is an Aura?

Your "aura" or "auric field" is generated by your chakra system. It is your personal energetic bubble that you wear all the time. Every interaction, experience and intense emotion that we have or encounter impacts this personal field. 


In-person or Distance session:  1 hour - $100

This is a touch free session.

We will start this session with a brief conversation to see what is happening for you at this time. Shifting into breathwork and dropping in with crystal singing bowls. I will ground and open your energetic fields. In this *touch-free* session, I will focus on helping you to clear and restore your auric field by scanning and "feeling" my way through and around your personal field. I will scan through sections and layers of your field to identify and remove anything that doesn't belong to you or is no longer serving you. I will remove energies that you may have accidentally empathically 'sponged' and picked up from other people. I will remove any dead energetic cords that your field is releasing. I will then seal any energy leaks or repair any tears or holes that may be present and causing exhaustion and fatigue. I will loosen any condensed areas in your field that can result in feel stagnant and constricted. I will then help to fortify your energetic field by infusing it with Universal Light energy channeled in a specific frequency for your individual needs in that moment. This is a gentle experience that will help you to feel restored, re-energized, calm and secure. 

This session is a touch-free session as I will be working in the energy field  that you are generating around you. It may include sound/frequency healing, essential oils, crystals, smudging and other healing methodologies. 


This is a combined Aura Clearing and Chakra Balancing, providing the most thorough clearing and rebalancing to your energetic body in one session. Please feel free to read the descriptions of Aura Clearing and Chakra Balancing above for more information.


In-person session: 90 minutes - $150

This is a respectful touch session.  

We will start this session with a brief conversation to see what is happening for you at this time. Shifting into breathwork and dropping in with crystal singing bowls. I will ground and open your energetic fields. Then I will begin combing through and clearing your personal field of energetic debris and sludge. Working my way, layer by layer, to remove anything that does not belong to you and repairing any damaged areas of your field. Once your field is clear, I will focus on your chakra energy and the overall flow within the body. I will rebalance your energy by opening constrictions and calming over-active chakras in the body's main centers. Once you have been cleared and realigned, I will infuse your system with Universal Light energy channeled in a specific frequency for your individual needs in that moment. This will leave you feeling clam, unencumbered and invigorated. 

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