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Native Drums



What is a Shamanic Journey? 

A Shamanic Journey is a practice of using intention and rhythm to open a temporary door between the physical and spiritual worlds. By inducing a meditative state you are granted access to other planes of existence to receive knowledge and healing. This can assist you in many tasks such as: connecting more deeply to Earth, animal and plant energies, connecting more deeply to your inner truth, emotional healing, seeing the unfiltered truth of a situation, connecting with ancestors or spirit guides, conversing with Ascended Masters, gods and goddesses,  discovering your spirit animal, gaining clarity on your soul purpose, flushing out hidden false programming, healing inner child wounds and trauma, empowering your inner light warrior and much more. 


In-person session: 1 hour - $120

This is a touch free session.

We will start this session with a brief conversation to set your intention for your journey or vision quest.  I will help bring you into a meditative state through the use of drumming, singing, chanting and breath work. I will open energetic portals to different spiritual planes of existence specifically channeled for you. There, I will accompany your energy and safely guide you on your journey. This may include soul fragment integration, connecting with ancestors or past lives, unearthing unhealed trauma, receiving answers from Source and more. You will then be guided safely back to the here and now to integrate what you have experienced.  

*Please note that these sessions can be intense and beautiful. Feel free to call 925-960-3371 for a free consultation if youare wondering if this is the right session for you. 


A Shamanic Clearing can assist with the following and more: 

- clearing, restoring and balancing elemental energy within the body 

- releasing past life trauma 

- assisting with entanglements of  unconscious/unwanted energies or entities 

- releasing energy linked to lineage trauma (this is energy and agreements that have been passed down to us through our DNA) 


In-person  session:- 90 minutes - $175

This is a respectful touch session.

*This session requires a  free phone consultation call before booking. Please book a phone consultation to see if this session is a fit for your situation.

Utilizing elemental energies and calling in ancestors to assist, I will open the way for you to effectively release trapped and outdated energy within your body. Through the use of rhythm, chants, song and intention I will open portals to call in the ancestors and Higher Beings. Together we will bring to the surface anything that doesn't belong to you or with you. Releasing traumas, buried thought patterns, entity agreements/attachments, grief and more. Shake loose the remnants of what has been and allow for that which is yet to come to have a clear path and place in your life! 

*Please note that these sessions can cause intense release. Feel free to call/text 925-960-3371 for a free 10 minute consultation. 

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